Cranksgiving - NYC


Cranksgiving is an annual event held in cities across the United States, and I’m incredibly excited to have sponsored and participated in the 25th year of this amazing event in the city where it all began, New York City. For those who may be unfamiliar, Cranksgiving is a charity bike ride structured similarly to an alley cat race. The checkpoints for this race are grocery stores and markets, where participants collect food and hygiene products, but every city does theirs differently. At the end of the race the items that are collected during the event are donated to a local organization, helping to support community members in need during the holiday season.

This year’s Manhattan event was hosted by the New York City Bike Messenger Association and began in Madison Square Park. Teams were formed, and we collected our manifests before setting off. It was my first time really riding in New York City, so I was really excited! I teamed up with two other riders and reassured them I wouldn’t be the fastest (especially with a big box on my cargo bike and some seriously windy conditions. lol).

My team chose the short course, which required us to hit five locations, rather than 8, and purchase goods to donate. Riding in NYC was a wild and unique experience, unlike anywhere I’ve ever ridden before, but it was so much fun, but I really wish I could have had my fixie with me. The ride ended at a small church, where we gathered all the donated items and distributed prizes. My team, Team Kandy Melk, won the prize for most donated by dollar value! Altogether, the event raised over $750 worth of food and goods.

Last I heard, there were 91 Cranksgiving’s taking place across the United States.

The Official Pink Tag Review:
5 out of 5 Pink Tags!

This nationwide event is all about community. Every city does it differently, but events like this are great examples of communities coming together to support one another and making a real impact, both on and off the bike. I absolutly recommend looking into seeing if your city already has a Cranksgiving, and if it doesn’t, try hosting your own! If you are in the New York City area, this event was a great time and I hope you can make it next year. :)

Photos by Raísa Almeida


Fixed Fridaze


Ride For your life